Our services encompass a range of support and interventions aimed at improving the quality of life for individuals with Cerebral Palsy and Multiple Disabilities. All these Services are often provided by a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals consisting Doctors, Therapists, Educators, and Social worker, to offer holistic support tailored to the individual's in needs.
Our initiatives aim to improve the quality of life for PDAs inside out CPAI through inclusive activities and creating economic empowerment for Women with special need in the society. These initiatives are essential in providing comprehensive support and improving the overall well-being of those involved in CPAI.
The Cerebral Palsy Association of India (CPAI) has been a pioneering NGO since 1968, dedicated to the educational, social, and economic rehabilitation of individuals with cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities. It is the only organization in Maharashtra that has been serving cerebral palsy students for the past 55 years.
CPAI operates an Early Intervention Unit, a Special School, a well-equipped Workshop, and a Therapy Center for Persons with Different Abilities (PDAs). The organization regularly conducts Awareness & Inclusion Livelihood programs, rallies, and Medical & Orthopedic Camps for persons with disabilities and the underprivileged. CPAI also focuses on Tribal Women Health and Hygiene Programs across Maharashtra.
In recognition of women with special needs of the society (single mothers, PDA women, and tribal women), CPAI has initiated Project Swanama, an integrated approach to disability rehabilitation and women's empowerment.