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Mumbai- Vasai

The Cerebral Palsy Association of India in Vasai launched a special school for children with disabilities, such as attention deficits and learning difficulties, who struggle in mainstream classrooms. This pioneering approach provides tailored guidance and support to help these children thrive in a mainstream educational environment, acknowledging their unique strengths and challenges.


Early Intervention Center

  • Physical wellbeing and motor development

  • Social & Emotional Development

  • Activities of Daily Living

  • Language Development

  • Cognition & General Developments

Learning Readiness Programs

  • Task Perspective

  • Attention

  • Creativity

  • Initiative

  • Curiosity

  • Problem Solving

An increasing number of children with special needs are being integrated into mainstream educational settings. Many have borderline IQ levels, making them unsuitable for full-time special schools where their progress might stagnate. Parents remain hopeful for their children’s assimilation into society. Government regulations require mainstream schools to accept special needs students, but these schools often lack the specialized educators, time, and resources needed. With high teacher-to-student ratios, individual attention is minimal, and these students struggle to keep up, often dropping out as they advance. Addressing this issue, CPAI in Vasai has created a special school to support these children, providing the precise guidance they need to thrive.

Individualized Academic & Therapy Programs

  • IEP curated using components of the above mentioned Therapies

  • Providing a language stimulating & sensory enriching environment to accelerate learning

  • Academic Skills | Social & Communication Skills | Cognitive Skills

Individualized Family Support Program

  • Beyond education, we provide training to parents & families to promote overall growth & improvement.

  • Collaborative Goal Setting

  • Parental beliefs , attitudes & commitment

  • Engaging with child in learning activities at home

  • Promoting Autonomy

  • Responsiveness to the children's needs & requests

Early Intervention & Therapy Center

We engage our PDAs in continuous learning and therapies that can stimulate their working and living patters towards an independent life. Our therapies are aimed at an extensive and holistic development. We provide to our PDAs development through Physiotherapy, Occupational therapy, Speech Therapy, Psychological, Diet and Nutrition Counselling and Dance & Music Therapy.


At our centre, we provide detailed and researched therapy. After the assessment is taken by our Physiotherapist, appropriate therapy techniques are used, that include neurodevelopmental technique, balance training, fine motor training and gross motor training. Along with rehabilitation, the parents are guided while treating their children.

Occupational therapy

Occupational therapies can help kids with certain learning and attention issues in doing daily activities that they struggle with.

Speech Therapy

People with different abilities (PDAs) may have major problems with both speech and nonverbal communication which makes it very hard to interact socially. Speech therapy helps PDAs overcome a wide range of these communication problems.

Music Therapy

Helps in reducing anxiety and physical effects of stress. It improves healing. It is beneficial to alter mood and assess emotional problems as well as improve communication skills and social connections.

Psychological Counselling

These therapies help kids with mental disorders and intellectual disabilities.. Assessment is done to screen the underlying cause of the issue and the treatment is provided thereafter. We conduct different therapies such as behavioural therapy, expressive arts therapy, Dealing with the effects of initial diagnosis & subsequent stressors, Responding to behavioral difficulties, Addressing the effects of physical or sexual abuse or family violence, Navigating stressful life transitions

Diet and Nutrition

We have dietitians responsible for the nutritional management of PDAs. It is well recognized that people with disabilities are at risk of nutritional problems, and therefore, provision of dietetics services for this group is vital. A few selected ones are provided with specific diet charts time to time guidance as per customization.

Dance Therapy

At CPAI, we have a well-trained professional dance teacher who trains the PDAs with her two assistants twice a week. She teaches different forms of dance such as dassic, folk and contemporary to connect the mind and body through movements. During lockdown, we provicded online sessions and held an online dance competition on the occasion of Independence Day. Now we havea group of special PDAs who can perform dance professionally.

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